
Most of my work is available to read for free or purchase online.

Heavy Feather ReviewJolichanga’s Fury is about a girl coming to terms with her father’s death. It takes place in the not-quite-Himalayas, and it’s on the longer side.

The Eckleburg Review — “Counting to Sixty” is what people do inside tutoring centers in Atlanta, when a tornado is whirling toward them. Get the whole ebook for $10. It’s good reading, I promise.

TIMBER — “Guess Why the Dog is Crazy” is a fun game my husband and I play, very late at night, when our now four-year-old pup leaps into bed to tell us the world is ending. But actually the essay is about the guilt inherent in generating a life, and the impossibility of protecting those we love.

The Emerson Review — The “Pencil Thief” is a fifth grader who should know better, but Mrs. Rodriguez’s pencils are some of the best, and they have goofy designs and great erasers.

Atlanta Millennium is a poetry chapbook about living in the tangled and contradictory city of Atlanta. Featuring love, dogs, driving everywhere, and pictures from many other places that aren’t Atlanta, the digital version is available on Amazon and free with KindleUnlimited.

Hobart — “Past Time” is a baseball story, because baseball is America’s pastime, but also because time passes us by, and it is hurled much too quickly to catch.

Dual Coast Magazine — “Beaches” in the winter are one of my favorite places. Windy, cold, and empty. Poetry.

Word Riot — “Ashes on Cape Cod” is where I work on channeling my inner middle-school boy. Very short flash fiction. Note: Word Riot seems to have shut down, but hopefully not forever.

AntipodeanSF — “Wedding Planning” pokes fun at the traditions and mores of planning one’s nuptials. You need WHAT on the bridal cheeks? AntipodeanSF is an online magazine and radio show based in Australia that publishes a variety of fantasy and SF.

Ink Stains Anthology Volume 4 — “Mel & Pen” is about two twins, a magic necklace, and being very careful what you wish for. Available for e-readers and print.

The Journal of Microliterature — It’s “Nonsense” when your body misbehaves and the world tells you nothing is wrong. Susan Wolfenbarger’s hand behaves badly. Note: It seems like the Journal of Microliterature is offline.

Hobo Pancakes — “From the Outside In” is not what they say about beauty, but it is what they say about Joshua. Joshua builds a fortress to protect himself from the apocalypse. Joshua always has the best laid plans.

Drunk Monkeys — A wonderful humor/fantasy/eclectic magazine where you can read fiction, essays, reviews, and much more. My story “The Job Search: God Style” can be found in the first Drunk Monkeys anthology, downloadable from Amazon.

Bluestockings Magazine — “These Are the Things That Matter” features elevators, jellybeans, and loneliness.

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